Our Numbers


Satisfaction Rate

Our clients consistently rate us highly


Years of experience

Decade of financial wisdom at your service


Revenue Increase

Proven strategies that boost your bottom line

Our Services

Credit Services

Here's what you get:

  • ✅️Online Money Manager

    ✅️Credit Building Resources

    ✅️3 Monthly Bureau/ 3 Score Report

    ✅️Daily Credit Monitoring

    ✅️Text & Email Credit Monitoring Alerts

    ✅️Credit Score Tracker

    ✅️Credit Score Builder Planner

    ✅️Credit Score Master Simulator

    ✅️Identity Theft Protection

    ✅️$1 Million in Fraud Insurance

    ✅️Dispute Letter Library

    ✅️Private Credit Facebook Community


    ✅️Free Credit Tips

Our Commitment:

At AC Financial Growth, (in partnership with AC Tax Solutions), we provide professional tax preparation services designed to make filing your taxes simple, accurate, and stress-free. Our team of experts is committed to helping individuals and businesses maximize their tax refunds, minimize liabilities, and stay compliant with current tax laws.

Tax Preparation

Business credit

Our Commitment:

At AC Financial Growth, we specialize in helping businesses establish, build, and maintain strong business credit profiles. Our services are designed to empower entrepreneurs and business owners with the tools and knowledge needed to access funding, secure better terms, and grow their businesses confidently. $50,000 funding guarantee.


What others are saying

"Very Friendly and Efficient"

"AC Financial Growth has been a game-changer for my financial management. It's user-friendly and efficient, helping me stay on top of my budget effortlessly." - Sarah Johnson

"Highly Recommend This"

"I highly recommend AC Financial Growth to anyone looking for reliable tax services. It's intuitive, secure, and has simplified my financial planning." -Michael Lee

"Alexis is the real deal!"

"Using AC Financial Growth has been a great experience. It provides valuable insights and tools that have significantly improved my financial decision-making."

Get In Touch

3848 Sun City Center Blvd suite 104, Sun City Center, FL 33573, USA